Cisco SPA-500 Series Sidecar HOWTO
There are a few steps to setting up your SPA-500 series sidecar to work with your NetOfficePBX
Cisco phone.
First, you will need to make sure that the sidecars “Server Type” is set to “Asterisk” as Asterisk is the platform used by NetOfficePBX.
In order to do this, you will need web access to your phones admin/advanced web GUI panel, and you will go to:
Where x.x.x.x is the IP address of your phone.
Next you will want to click on the “Att Console” tab. You will want to change this setting to “Asterisk”.
Just to the left of “Server Type” you will want set “Unit 1 Enable” to “Yes”, and if you have a second sidecar, also set “Unit 2 Enable” to “Yes”. If you don’t have a second sidecar, set “Unit 2 Enable” to “No”.
Just below that you will want to set “Test Mode Enable” to “No”.
Then, midway down the page you will see the section called “Unit 1” that has 32 lines for inserting the syntax command string to program each button.
The correct syntax for any button you want to program is (example) :
fnc=sd;ext=301@$PROXY;nme=Public 1